Time and time and time and time again

Happy May everyone. Thinking about it now, half of the year has already passed by. It makes me think of a short video I watched recently, where the creator talked about a small study on time perception and memory. Boiled down, the results were basically that when you do things that are out of the ordinary for your routine, perception of time and memory is slowed down. But when you stay consistent in your routine, time tends to blend together and it’s difficult to recall specific details.

If I tried hard enough I could probably find the source material for this claim, but like many people who present facts and arguments, I’m not willing to put in the time for that. And of course, as a victim of this strangely assertive unwillingness, you aren’t subject to believing any of these words I’m telling you. I can tell you that there won’t be any hard feelings from me, likely because the topic and evidence that I’ve presented for it aren’t really too dear to me. They’re just things that I contemplate to justify my perspectives on certain topics.

Anyway, if that study can be trusted, I wonder if that’s a subconscious reason why older people tend to travel a lot more. There’s nothing more disruptive to routine than travel. And if going off routine makes your perception of time slower, then maybe it makes you feel a little younger. Or, at the very least, maybe it slows down the ride to passing away.

I don’t know, just a thought.

On another note, my work schedule will be changing soon and that means there will be an adjustment period for my writing and exercise routines. I’ll still be trying to post a blog once a week and some sort of creative writing once a month. I’ll still be trying to work out at least three times a week. But, the times when I do those things might change because of my energy and stress and tolerance to stress. All that stuff. Basically what people say is life happening, that.

Otherwise, things are still okay as of now. Health is still generally okay, both mentally and physically. Still thinking a lot about the future. No matter the situation I’d be in, I know that the future would be something that I’d think about a lot. But, I try not to worry about it as much. Wabi-sabi and all that. One of my friends from back in college, he had a band for a bit called the Wabisabi Boys. That’s what I’m trying to go by now: acceptance of imperfection. It’s good. Both the band and the perspective. Hopefully you all can check them out sometime.

Have a good rest of the week, everyone.

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